Young Creatives in Harmony

In 2023 Arts for All was very proud to receive the Elevate, Foundations for the Future grant, that brought music recording, arts and dance together for our first ever album, recorded by over 100 Delta county youth. David and Arlyn Alderdice headed the music and recording portion, collaborating with students taught through our marimba project, the community band and private students. Jeannette Carey and her 5th grade band also recorded and performed for this project, and Daniel Biggerstaff mixed and mastered the tracks. Students in our visual art class, taught under Abbey Andersen and Cleya Hartter, created works inspired by the recorded music, to further embellish the music. Finally, high school senior Ellie Feder choreographed and taught her 2nd-6th grade dance class to student recorded music, and performed as part of the event. 

Check out a behind-the-scenes documentary of the project from Bodhi Gilroy, of Gilroy Productions.